Drupal 7 Node Type Based Custom Template

In many cases of theming in Drupal we may may need a different set of header and footer. We can achieve this by writing a couple of lines in template.php for your current Drupal theme. Code snippet for Drupal 7 node type based custom template.

Increase Website Speed

Increase Website Speed with Some Basic Steps

Today with growing competition everybody is developing sites and its of utmost importance to optimize site with respect to speed. Many sites say that one second will lead to seven percent conversion rate loss. So every second is crucial. Well initially when I started my career with PHP I used to think that beautiful looking sites will always be heavy! But honestly today I cant say how much wrong I was.

Magento Database Optimization

Optimize Magento Database

Got a shock when you saw an old Magento Database with only hundred  products but 1 GB size?? Stop worrying. The client has forgot to set up the log clean crons or used so many cache extension that log clean up has stopped working.