Remote Host Identification Has Changed – BLT Sync and SSH Error
Many times when you try to set up your local environment from scratch you might face this issue. This is originally SSH-error which shows “REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED”.
Many times when you try to set up your local environment from scratch you might face this issue. This is originally SSH-error which shows “REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED”.
Love development but irritated after entering the ssh prompt again and again? Git commands – pull, push, BLT Commands – ‘blt sync:files’, ‘blt sync:db’ all asking the same question? Sometimes you want to fetch a cup of coffee while ‘blt sync:files’ completes but can’t leave because you are not sure when the next prompt for passphrase appears again?
In many cases you may need to take in extra information from user and display some type of graph after registration which cannot be fulfilled by adding extra fields within the form. In other way we can redirect to a second page containing your required form.
In many cases you might need to upload a second logo for a theme. In this case you would like to upload a second logo from admin. You will need to add this code in your theme-settings.php page.
In many cases of theming in Drupal we may may need a different set of header and footer. We can achieve this by writing a couple of lines in template.php for your current Drupal theme. Code snippet for Drupal 7 node type based custom template.